How To Improve Hair Elasticity?
What is going to happen when you give one of your hairs a gentle stretch? Does it break? Or does it return to its original structure? It is up to your hair elasticity. Do you know what hair elasticity is? Do you know how to determine the elasticity of your hair? It doesn't matter if you don't know about them. In this article, we will tell you what hair elasticity is and how to restore it, please read carefully.
What Is Hair Elasticity?
The term hair elasticity refers to the amount of tension and stretching that hair can withstand without breaking. It is an important factor in maintaining healthy hair. Without adequate elasticity, your hair may become soft, dull, or susceptible to breakage.
How Can You Tell The Elasticity Of Your Hair?
You already have an understanding of what hair elasticity is, do you want to know how to determine your hair elasticity? Now, here is a way to help you make the determination, and you need to learn it carefully.
Step 1: Thoroughly wet your tresses with lukewarm water.
Step 2: Once completely wet, choose a hair.
Step 3: Pull it as far as you can, then loosen it to see if the hair returns to its original state.
Tip: Be sure to treat your hair gently throughout the process to prevent breakage.
There are three main types of hair elasticity: low elasticity, medium elasticity, and high elasticity. You can determine which type you belong to on the basis of the following.
Low elasticity
When you straighten your hair and find it hard to stretch or hold it straight for too long, it indicates that your hair is low in elasticity, which means that your hair has a lack of protein and moisture balance. It can be genetic or the hair can be damaged. If your hair is weak in elasticity only in specific areas, then this could be due to some damage, such as heat or chemical damage.
Medium Elasticity
If you find that your hair is recovering at an average rate, then your hair has medium elasticity. Having medium elasticity signifies that your hair has an average moisture and protein balance. It may be a sign that it has not suffered any heat or chemical damage, or some minimal damage. It is essential to check the elasticity of your hair frequently to ensure that its elasticity does not diminish.
High Elasticity
If your hair can stretch more than 50% of its resting length and is able to bounce back quickly after stretching, this is an indication that your hair is high in elasticity. Having high-elasticity hair is ideal as it shows that your hair has an excellent protein and moisture balance and is in a healthy state.
How To Improve Hair Elasticity?
After knowing which kind of hair elasticity you have, are you wondering how to improve or maintain your hair elasticity? Now here are a number of ways that can be helpful to you, please read carefully.
- Avoid chemical treatments
Avoiding chemical damage is one of the best ways to improve the elasticity of your hair. In order to be trendy or to give ourselves a new change, we usually perm, dye, or bleach our hair, which is when our hair is exposed to harmful chemicals that can cause serious damage to the elasticity of the hair and make the hair elasticity grade extra low. Therefore, if you want to improve the elasticity of your hair then you need to minimize perming, bleaching, or dyeing your hair to avoid chemical damage.
- Reduce the use of hot tools
In order to have a good style or look, we usually choose to use heat styling tools. However, what you need to understand is that extreme heat can cause more damage to your hair, leading to moisture loss, making it extra dry, and affecting your hair's elasticity. So in order to have a high bounce hair, you need to try to avoid using heated devices such as straighteners, blow dryers, curling irons, etc. If you must use heated devices, try to keep them cool or use a heat protection product.
- Protect your hair while you sleep
Whether your hair is high bounce, medium bounce, or low bounce, you need to protect it while you sleep at night. Because you unconsciously toss and turn when you sleep at night, sleeping directly on your pillow can rub your hair and cause it to be very frizzy. If you already have elasticity problems, sleeping directly on your hair will only increase your problems and cause hair breakage over time. So for the sake of restoring your hair's elasticity, you need to cover your hair with a silk or satin hat or scarf every time you sleep.
- Improve your diet
Do you know that diet can also improve the elasticity of our hair? Yes, you heard it right. Not only does food supply our body with the nutrients it needs, but it can also improve the elasticity of our hair and strengthen the hair strands. If you want to improve the elasticity of your hair, then you can add high-protein foods such as eggs and meat to your diet. In addition, you can also eat foods that contain omega-3 fatty acids to improve hair elasticity, such as salmon and nuts, to name a few.