How to Curl Your Hair Yourself
Hello, every Hairinbeauty friend, last time, we introduced you how to straighten your hair, some friends show curiosity to the ways of curly hair, leave some questions about this, so today we talk about the methods of curl hair, if you have interest to curl your hair, just try to do it. I hope this blog is useful to you.
How to maintain your curly hair
Maybe, some friends now owe the curly hair, but with the time goes, the bouncy hair slowly become straight, no curly. So, let me firstly show you some methods to main your curly hair.
The Natural way without damage
1 You can braid your hair or hair weave into a complex plait tightly before you fall sleep or wake up in the morning, than just do something without care it. After few hours, unpick it, you will see the wonderful curly hair just as the usual one. But this way has a disadvantage, the curly hair is temporary, few hours, the bouncy may disappear.
2 Using the hair roller to roll part of your hair, sections by sections, then use your hair dryer to blow the hair, next, keep this for few hours. What you to do next is same with the first way. But the curly hair you using second way to make will keep a longer time.
OK, the natural ways part end, let us move to the another part. How to Curl Your Hair
Tools: hair flat iron or hair curler iron, hair dryer, wide-tooth brush, clip,repairing essential oil, hair ropes.
Washing your hair weave is the first step. After washing, open your hair curler iron to preheat, then use the hair dryer to blow your hair weave until it become dry. Then use the small hair ropes and clips to separate hair weave into some sections, pick one section, roll it in curler, keep for 20-30 seconds, release the hair, the part has showed the great bouncy. And, next, continue to do the same thing throughout your whole hair. To achieve the perfect condition, you can do this twice.
After reading this blog, do you think curl hair easy or not? Whether you think it is easy or difficult, just practice it, after that, you will feel confident. But the most easy way is to buy the curly hair in our Hairinbeauty, such as, body wave, kindly curly or loose wave hair.
That is what i want to show you today, i hope you could use these methods try to curl it. OK, it’s time to say Goodbye. Have a good day, my friend.